You really shouldn't be worried about herpes.??You are misinterpreting the significance of some of the things you have learned in your online searching about genital herpes.??First, the large majority of people with HSV-2 have been far more sexually active than you have.??Few persons with only 4 lifetime sex partners (even with entirely unprotected exposures) have HSV-2.??Using the 20% figure you cite, it is statistically unlikely that any of your 4 partners had genital herpes.??Second, the average transmission risk, if one partner has HSV-2, is probably around once for every 1,000 episodes of unprotected vaginal sex.??Third, HSV-2 frequency peaks between ages 25-35; assuming your partners were similar in age to you, it is even less likely that they were infected.??If your partners were older or African American, of if they were commercial sex workers, the risks would be greater -- but the odds still would be strongly in your favor.
Fourth, your symptoms are not suggestive of herpes.??You undoubtedly have read that many infections are asymptomatic or have ayptical symptoms, but the truth is that most "atypical" infections are simply mild, not actually all that atypical.??Although herpes lesions can burn, or tingling may precede them for a couple of days, such symptoms occuring without lesions do not suggest herpes.??HSV simply doesn't cause the generalized tingling/burning you describe.??Your symptoms are far more typical for physical manifestations anxiety -- i.e. increased awareness of minor body sensations that otherwise would go unnoticed or wouldn't be bothersome.
Based on your lifestyle and symptoms, I would not have recommended testing for HSV.??However, if an HSV blood test was done as part of your testing panel, you can expect negative results for HSV-2.??Up to half the population has HSV-1, usually due to asymptomatic oral herpes from childhood -- so don't be surprised or concerned if that test is positive.
Finally, you say two things that worry me about your mental health.??Certainly having only 4 lifetime sex partners (or vaginal sex experiences) by age 25 does not come close to most people's perceptions of a "sex addiction".??But if you are concerned about sexual thoughts that seem compulsive or addictive, or about the sexual choices you have made, then this could be a significant emotional issue for you.??Second, nobody says (or writes) "I'm at the point that I don't even want to live anymore..." without serious underlying disturbance.??For these reasons, I strongly urge you to seek professional counseling, regardless of your STD and HSV test results.??I suggest it from compassion, not criticism.
Feel free to let me know the STD test results, but since there is no point in speculating when the answers soon will be at hand, I won't have anything more to say until then.
Best wishes--??HHH, MD
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