Saturday, August 25, 2012

How to be effective during Business Presentation

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The key purpose of any presentation be it written, oral or visual, is communication. To communicate effectively, one must state your facts in a simple, concise and interesting manner. It is well proven that the people learn and retain more information when learning is supported by visualization. Effective presentations entertain, inform, excite and even shock the audience by the proper integration of visual images with the exchange of information.


 How to be effective during Business Presentation

The building-blocks of Effective Business Presentations are ?


1.) Subject is the Spine

Though an obvious point, it is vital that you research every nuance of your subject. Read reports and gatherlatest information on the subject is important. It becomes all the more important especially when giving a design presentation or proposal since you are ?selling? your ideas to the audience. When the subject is examined in detail, new ideas and alternative ways of thinking often strike. The ability to present a subject with confidence directly affects your audience?s impressions and will help keep their attention.


2.) The Audience Connect

A little research into the makeup of your audience will reap large benefits on presentation day.

For example, if you were speaking on behalf of a new construction project you would tailor vastly different presentations to an audience of engineers and a city council. Using terms which the audience can relate to, can do wonders.


3.) Structure your Script

The script does not necessarily have to be a work of literary excellence. The important part is it should convey the meaningful information correctly. The form of the script also depends on the formality of the presentation, the makeup of the audience and the presenter.Any presentation script, regardless of complexity is like any other business correspondence. It should consist of the same four basic parts, an opening, body, summary and closing.


4.) Rehearse ? Rehearse ? Rehearse

One cannot afford to go wrong during the presentation and on ?the-day? you would not like to lose grip on things. The final script and outline permit you to rehearse your presentation even before the visuals are completed. This assures that when your final images are prepared and ready, you will be as well.

If you?d like to really test your mettle, drag out the camcorder and tape your rehearsal. Just keep in mind, no one expects you to be Winston Churchill.


5.) Select your Weapons Wisely

Once the script is developed and the audience research is completed, this step should be simple. A five minute presentation to a three person audience is probably best made with handout material alone. For a large set of audience, using few simple overhead transparencies should be sufficient. If PowerPoint and similar charting and presentation software is a bit rich for your budget, you may find the free, open-source office suite, Open Office fits your bill perfectly.


Learn more by visiting Effective Presentation Skills |



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