Posted Starting Price: $6250.00
Location: 33954
Land Listed: 2012-07-21T22:37:14.000Z
Sale Ends: 2012-07-31T22:37:14.000Z
Trade SCAN THE QR CODE ABOVE WITH YOUR SMARTPHONE FOR MORE INFORMATION ? ALL OUR AUCTION AD PICTURES & PHRASES ARE PROTECTED VIA listing?S and ANY copying of LIKE INFORMATION is prohibited and may result in your listing account being terminated upon VERO review. TIRED OF MEAGER & RISKY INVESTMENT RETURNS ? ( 401K?S, IRA?S, STOCK, BONDS, MONEY MARKET FUNDS, BANK SAVINGS INTEREST) REAL-ESTATE: Control if you buy, the price you pay, the price you sell and when to sell. THE RICHEST AMERICANS HAVE LITTLE TO NO SAVINGS IN ACTUAL CASH ! TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR FINANCIAL FUTURE BY INVESTING IN THE LOWEST PRICE REAL-ESTATE IN BEAUTIFUL CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDA. ALSO, BEWARE OF ANY SELLER ON listing OFFERING YOU THEIR FORMER TITLE POLICY AS THAT IS WORTHLESS TO YOU AS THE NEW OWNER & IF THEY ARE NOT WILLING TO PAY FOR A NEW CLOSING & POLICY BEWARE. IF YOU PAY $2500 -$3500 FOR A LOT ON listing, YOU WILL GET A $1500 LOT IN A DEPRESSED AREA OF PORT CHARLOTTE THAT MAY NOT EVEN BE BUILDABLE. YOU WILL NEVER WANT TO BUILD OR LIVE IN SUCH A NEIGHBORHOOD UNLIKE THE NUMEROUS PORT CHARLOTTE HARBOR WATERFRONT AREA TAX DEED LOTS BEING DECEPTIVELY & INCREASINGLY PROMOTED ON listing WITH NO TITLE INSURANCE PROVIDED & PAID FOR BY THE SELLER, OUR LOTS, AS THEY HAVE BEEN FOR OVER 10 YEARS, ARE NEXT TO GULF ACCESS & ACTUALLY IN ACTIVE PRIME NEIGHBORHOODS FOR THE VERY BEST ?RETURN ON YOUR INVESTMENT? BANKS WILL NOT LOAN TO BUILD ON THESE TAX DEED ACQUIRED PARCELS & ALSO 99% OF THE TAX DEED LOTS ON listing ARE OUTSIDE OF THE CITY EITHER ON DIRT OR DILAPIDATED OLDER PAVED ROADS, SURROUNDED BY NO HOMES OR WORSE 1950?S STYLE DISTRESSED & EMPTY FORECLOSED HOMES WHICH IS WHY THE PRIOR OWNERS LET THEM GO BACK TO THE COUNTY TO BEGIN WITH,SUCH AS: TGA (TROPICAL GULF ACRES), HARBOR HEIGHTS, DISTRESSED LEHIGH ACRES, THE VACANT ROTUNDA, PLACIDA RD. AREA OFF GASPARILLA RD. & THE FORMER FAILED TERN BAY GOLF RESORT WHICH ARE ALL TAX DEED ACQUIRED PARCELS WHICH CANNOT LEGALLY BE ISSUED TRUE TITLE INSURANCE WITHOUT LEGAL ASSISTANCE REGARDLESS OF WHAT THE SELLER?S TITLE COMPANY SAYS AS THEY ARE JUST PUTTING EXCEPTIONS IN TO THE POLICY YOU ARE GETTING AFTER THE SALE TO BASICALLY MAKE YOUR POLICY NULL AND VOID WITH REGARDS TO FUTURE OWNERSHIP ISSUES. THE OLD SAYING THAT ?YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR? HAS NEVER BEEN MORE TRUE ALSO, THE FACT THESE RECENT listing SELLERS ARE NOT WILLING TO PROVIDE PAID ?LEGITIMATE? TITLE INSURANCE NOR ALLOW YOU TO PERSONALLY UTILIZE AN INDEPENDENT 3RD PARTY TITLE COMPANY TO ISSUE NON-TAX DEED EXCEPTED TITLE INSURANCE BEFORE PAYMENT IS MADE TELLS YOU, BUYER BEWARE. This is from the Charlotte County Clerks office on Tax Deeds: Do I get a clear title with a Tax Deed? All properties sold at a Tax Deed Sale qualify under ?buyer beware?. The purchase of a Tax Deed Sale does not warrant or guarantee clear and marketable title. Note: Most title companies require the property to go through a quiet title lawsuit for the property to be able to have title insurance issued on property bought by Tax Deed Sale. What liens or encumbrances survive against a property after it is sold at a Tax Deed Sale? Governmental liens and judgments survive the issuance of a tax deed and are satisfied to the fullest extent possible with any overbid monies from the sale. Governmental liens, not satisfied in full, survive the issuance of a tax deed and will remain against the property. ?Beware of those on listing selling lots that were purchased by the sellers inexpensively via public Tax Deed sales as they require thousands of dollars in legal fees to clear with a Suit to Quiet Title process and up to a year to clear the title if at all ? ?You will know, as they will only offer you a Special Warranty Deed or a Quit Claim for this reason and no title insurance to protect your investment.? ALSO JUST VERY RECENTLY, Often these SAME TAX DEED sellers will FALSELY offer Title Insurance but will have Exceptions to Coverage in your Title Insurance Policy! There are standard exceptions in every policy, BUT exceptions entered for tax deed sales are UNIQUE AND PARTICULAR, NOT STANDARD. Carefully review exceptions in Schedule B2 of the title policy to ensure you know which items are exempted and therefore NOT COVERED by the Title Policy. ASK BOTH THE SELLER & THE CLOSING TITLE COMPANY prior to bidding or buying IF IT WAS PREVIOUSLY ACQUIRED VIA A TAX DEED AUCTION AS WELL & WHAT EXCEPTIONS THERE ARE THAT LIMITS THE TITLE POLICY VALUE
WITH THESE TITLE INSURANCE POLICY EXCEPTIONS, THE TITLE INSURANCE IS MEANINGLESS & BANKS WILL NOT LOAN TO BUILD ON A TAX DEED ACQUIRED PROPERTY ! DO NOT agree to BUY or PAY for ANY REAL ESTATE without THE SELLER FIRST PROVIDING LEGITIMATE Title Insurance, BEFORE FINAL Settlement Payment at CLOSING! Ensure that your closing agent or attorney explain any ?TAX DEED exceptions? noted in Schedule B2. Before paying or closing such a parcel, do YOURSELF A FAVOR ? CALL your TITLE COMPANY, local LAWYER or REAL ESTATE ATTORNEY and ask for PROFESSIONAL ADVICE before Acquiring any FLORIDA LOT when the SELLER DOES NOT Offer TITLE INSURANCE or OFFERS TITLE INSURANCE WITH NON-STANDARD EXCEPTIONS NOTED IN SCHEDULE B2 ? PRIOR TO CLOSING on the Land! Be informed to help you make the right decision for your situation. ALSO, INSURE THAT THE LOT IS NOT LOCATED WITHIN AN ENVIRONMENTALLY PROTECTED SCRUB JAY ?BIRD? AREA WHICH REQUIRES SPECIAL STATE PERMITTING TO BUILD WHICH IS A VERY TIME CONSUMING & COSTLY PROCESS AND STILL NO GUARANTEE. RECENTLY mOST PERMITS ACCORDING TO cHARLOTTE cOUNTY RECORDS ARE BEING DENIED VS. APPROVED. As these listing real estate type listings cost hundreds of dollars to advertise, please DO NOT BID if you are not bidding to buy. Bidders are responsible for ( DUE DILIGENCE ) to look at any parcel & ask all questions PRIOR to bidding even though based on our superb rating, we have never had a single dissatisfied investor. You are not bidding for the right to look, winning bid buys this lot. Also, all parcels are for sale locally, so we reserve the right to end auction early. New s or bidders with of 5 or less, please call our offices before bidding at FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT US AND OUR OTHER listing LOT LISTINGS CONTACT US BY CLICKING THE EMAIL LINK BELOW: Image Link to Available Inventory Click on our listing Award Link to the left for more Information. Link to ?Available listing Inventory.? Questions? Email us at Kessel Holdings LLC SALESKESSELHOLDINGS.COM Warren Buffett ?I will tell you how to become rich. Be fearful when others are greedy. Be greedy when others are fearful.? ? Warren Buffett The current economic situation is in the buyers favor. Now is the time to ?Be greedy when others are fearful.? Buy now and save! Sit back and watch the value of your land increase exponentially! Saltwater Fishing at its Best! PLEASE BE ADVISED: HAVE ALL YOUR FINANCES READY BEFORE YOU BID & DUE DILIGENCE IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO PLACING A BID. BE SURE TO VIEW THE NEW CHARLOTTE COUNTY INTRODUCTION VIDEO AT THE BOTTOM OF THE AUCTION AD BY CLICKING ON PLAY. STILL HAVE DOUBTS ABOUT INVESTING IN FLORIDA REAL-ESTATE The fall, 2007 mortgage/credit crisis is creating many opportunities to buy well located land & lots at bargain prices. Rarely do buyers have the chance to buy at absolute market bottoms and land is the best way to participate when the Florida real estate market has it?s price recovery. After the real estate boom that topped out in mid-2005 we are seeing the bottom of a price collapse that has reduced land prices 60 to 80 percent. Based on Florida?s long term high growth rate from immigration, retiring baby-boomers, and others attracted to Florida?s climate, beaches, and high employment growth, this chance to buy land at dramatically low prices will be the best we will see in our lifetimes. The need for well-located land is growing, Florida?s population grew by 314,000 in 2007 and has grown by more than 2,000,000 since the year 2000. Florida created the most jobs of any state in 2006, with 211,400 new jobs. The October, 2007 unemployment rate was only 4.0 percent. Price cycles are more extreme in land than other real estate. We are passing the low point of this cycle, which is down 60 to 80% from the summer, 2005 high point of the last cycle. Buyers at this point in the cycle can possibly make 100 to 150% or more when prices get back to the levels of the summer of 2005. Since prices at each cycle high usually exceed the previous highs, potential gains are excellent compared to most other investments. Building lot values grow consistently over long periods of time because the population of Florida is growing by 300,000+ people/year and the amount of desirable, buildable land is shrinking. Land in South Florida and within a 30 minute drive of the coast is the most likely to increase in value because that?s where 90 percent of the people want to live. Lots don?t give you management and maintenance headaches like rental properties and you can realize great deals in this buyer?s market. In our website you can find what you need to buy a great investment parcel or parcels while prices are at this temporary all-time low. With the current Euro to U.S. dollar devaluation, Europeans buying Florida real estate is at an all-time high. VERY RECENT INFORMATION IN CNN / MONEY MAGAZINE REGARDING PORT CHARLOTTE Click on Spinning Banner Below for Local Area Slideshow ?BEAUTIFULLY LEVEL PORT CHARLOTTE RESIDENTIAL #12? RARE PREMIUM LOT NEXT TO CHESHIRE WATERWAY GULF ACCESS CANAL PRIME LOT & SELLING FOR $65K+ IN 2006 PARCELS SEVERAL STREETS OVER ARE CURRENTLY ON THE MLS FOR $25,000 TO $50,000 SEE BOTTOM OF THIS AD FOR ZILLOW COMPS ?ALL NEWER PAVED ROADS? GREAT LOT FOR A SIMILAR KEY WEST STYLE HOME AS SHOWN BELOW FIFTEEN MINUTES FROM ENGLEWOOD BEACH & THE GULF OF MEXICO & SOME OF THE BEST SALTWATER FISHING / BOATING IN ALL OF FLORIDA ESTABLISHED NEIGHBORHOOD NEXT TO MILLION DOLLAR REAL-ESTATE IN THE PORT CHARLOTTE HARBOR AREA DESIRABLE GULF ACCESS CANALS EVERY WHERE MANY CANAL LOTS IN THIS AREA WELL OVER $150K LARGEST & FASTEST GROWING SALES AREA IN CHARLOTTE COUNTY IN 2011 BE SURE TO STUDY THE ZILLOW COMPS BELOW AS TO HOW UNDER-PRICED THIS LOT IS FOR $10K INSTANT EQUITY NO OTHERS LIKE IT ON listing PLEASE DO NOT BID UNLESS YOU ALREADY HAVE FINANCING APPROVED OR AVAILABLE CASH FUNDS YOU ARE BIDDING ON THE FULL PURCHASE PRICE OF THIS LOT! EXTREMELY NICE LOT WITHIN MINUTES OF FISHERMAN?S VILLAGE, BEACHES AND CHARLOTTE HARBOR AREA. The Port Charlotte / Punta Gorda area has been designated by Sail Magazine as the 10th best in the world for sailing as well as Ranked 3rd ?Best in America? to Live and Golf by Golf Digest IT IS A WELL KNOWN FACT THAT PARCEL PRICES IN THIS AREA WILL MEET OR EXCEED CAPE CORAL & NAPLES PRICES IN THE NEXT 2 YEAR PERIOD! WATER EVERYWHERE IN THIS NEIGHBORHOOD NON-SCRUB JAY PARCEL STRATEGICALLY LOCATED RIGHT BETWEEN BOTH MAJOR INTERSTATE SYSTEMS. AS YOU HAVE SEEN IN THE LAST YEAR? MOST OF THE PARCELS SELL TO A HIGH BIDDER PRIOR TO THE AUCTION?S CLOSE. DON?T MISS-OUT AGAIN. YOU ARE BIDDING ON THE FULL PURCHASE PRICE OF THIS PARCEL! CLOSE PROXIMITY TO MAJOR INTERSTATE SYSTEM, I-75 & I-41 * LAST PREMIUM DEVELOPING AREA OF PORT CHARLOTTE COUNTY* MANY HOMES STILL TO BE BUILT IN THIS PORT CHARLOTTE COMMUNITY LOTS IN THE SAME AREA CURRENTLY LISTED FOR $25,000.00 TO $100,000.00 ON THE MLS! SEE BOTTOM OF THIS LISTING FOR MLS DETAILS ! NICE HOMES ALREADY UNDER CONSTRUCTION OR COMPLETED IN THIS IMMEDIATE AREA. PREMIUM LOT IN VERY DESIRABLE NEIGHBORHOOD AREA & JUST A FEW BLOCKS FROM THE MAJOR INTERSTATE SYSTEM. ***TERRIFIC INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY*** GET THIS LOT AT A FRACTION OF THESE PRICES! PLEASE SEE THE OTHER PICTURES OF THE LOT & SURROUNDING AREA AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE! ?CLOSE TO IT ALL? GOLF, HARBOR, BEACHES, SHOPPING & MOST IMPORTANTLY, GREAT WEATHER YEAR ROUND! VERY CLOSE ACCESS TO U.S. HIGHWAY 41 (TAMIAMI TRAIL) & I-75. WOW ! This is a very nice and highly desirable area of Charlotte County, Florida in a well established residential community. Charlotte county is one of the fastest growing areas in the United States presently & highly recommended in ?Money Magazine?. Property (land) value has increased 500% in the last 10 years and will continue to rise as a great investment years to come. This excellent parcel is available NOW !!! PUNTA GORDA AREA, FLORIDA NEAR GULF, BEACHES Great Location, Septic required with Clear Title with Title Insurance. Physical address is: 379 Cory Street, Zip Code: 33953 THE LOT IS LOCATED NEAR SHOPPING CENTERS, BEACHES, GOLF CENTERS WITHIN A SHORT DISTANCE DRIVE. THIS AREA IS OFFERING THE BEST AND STILL INEXPENSIVE WAY LIVING IN PORT CHARLOTTE . GOOD RESIDENTIAL LOTS ARE GETTING HARDER TO FIND. MANY SINGLE HOMES ARE BEING BUILT IN THIS AREA EVERYDAY. Do not be fooled by those large companies OR individuals on listing selling speculative lots with no utilities available, paved roads or any homes in the vicinity of the lot they are offering. RECREATION CHARLOTTE COUNTY HAS A TOTAL OF 48 PARKS AND RECREATION AREAS. 34 COUNTY PARKS, 4 STATE FACILITIES, 1 FEDERAL WILDLIFE REFUGEE.THE COUNTY HAS ABOUT 12.5 MILES OF GULF COAST BEACHES. THERE ARE 15 PUBLIC ACCESS SITES. THERE ARE 28 MARINAS & 13 BOAT RAMPS LOCATED ALONG THE PEACE RIVER, CAPE HAZE PENINSULA, LEMON BAY AND PLACID HARBOR AREAS. BEACHES CLOSEST BEACH IS PORT CHARLOTTE BEACH ABOUT TEN MINUTES AWAY AND CLOSEST GULF BEACH IS ENGLEWOOD. SARASOTA, TAMPA & FORT MEYERS ARE ALSO VERY CLOSE FOR WEEKEND TRIPS. SPORTS CHARLOTTE COUNTY STADIUM AT CHARLOTTE SPORTS PARK.WITH 5332 SEATS,CLUB HOUSE,BASEBALL AND SOFTBALL FIELDS AND OPEN GROUND AVAILABLE FOR FESTIVALS,CONCERTS,LARGE SHOWSEXPOSITIONS AND SPORTING EVENTS.SUNSHINE CLEAN AIR 129 SQUARE MILES OF SPARKLING WATERS,FISHING AT ITS GREATEST.LOW CRIME AND INEXPENSIVE LIVING KEEP THEM HERE IN THE HEART OF SOUTHWEST COAST OF FLORIDA. UTILITIES SEPTIC REQUIRED WITH POWER READY AT THE TIME OF CONSTRUCTION. PROPERTY LEGAL LOT 12 BLOCK 2530 APPROX. SIZES: LOT SIZE ? 10,000 SQ. FT. APPROX. : 80? x 125? TITLE: SEARCHED & INSURED ANNUAL TAXES : Approx. $179.15 ?ONLY LEGITIMATE BUYERS & WE?LL ENTERTAIN ALL REASONABLE OFFERS? IN ADDITION: AS THIS PROPERTY MAY ALSO BE LISTED LOCALLY VIA THE REALTOR?S MLS SYSTEM WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO END THIS AUCTION AT ANY TIME AS LONG AS THE ?RESERVE PRICE? HAS NOT BEEN MET. A DOWN PAYMENT OF $1000.00 IS DUE WITHIN 3 DAYS OF A WINNING BID WITH THE REMAINING BALANCE BEING DUE BASED ON THE CONTRACT AGREEMENT. (7-14 DAYS) THE DOWN PAYMENT WILL BE SENT TO THE CLOSING TITLE COMPANY WITH THE BALANCE DUE ACCORDING TO THE CLOSING TITLE COMPANY REQUIREMENTS. ONCE THE DOWN PAYMENT HAS BEEN MADE WE?LL SEND OUT OR EMAIL A CONTRACT FOR PURCHASE. THE CLOSING WILL BE AT A LOCAL FLORIDA TITLE COMPANY THAT WE HAVE ALREADY CONTRACTED. WE PAY ALL CLOSING FEES . WE ACCEPT MONEY ORDERS AND U.S. BANK DRAWN CASHIER CHECKS. THIS IS A CASH DEAL ONLY. PLEASE HAVE ALL YOUR FINANCES READY BEFORE YOU BID & PRIOR DUE DILIGENCE IS REQUIRED. We have provided many INFORMATIONAL FACTS about the local area AS WELL AS AERIAL SHOTS OF PARCEL # 12 AS WELL AS HOMES IN THE IMMEDIATE AREA so that you can become very comfortable with the fact that the Port Charlotte, Punta Gorda area is all we say it is. Charlotte County tops all the national BEST PLACES TO LIVE LISTS! 129 square miles of waters and aquatic preserves, 12 miles of beaches with white sand. Thousands of plant species, hundreds of hiking trails, a tremendous amount of marine life, a Federal wildlife refuge, clean air, and YEAR ROUND warm sunshine. Charlotte County, an important ecological breeding ground for numerous fish, bird and animal species because of two freshwater rivers, the Peace River and Myakka River, which flow into the saltwater of Charlotte Harbor and Lemon Bay and then the Gulf of Mexico. Recreational activity choices are numerous Sarasota and Tampa an easy trip to the North, and Fort Myers and Naples to the South. Charlotte Harbor, Englewood Beach and the Gulf Islands are only minutes away from any location in Charlotte County. Dolphins can be seen in the harbor close up. The white gulf beaches are clean. Zoning prohibits high-rises. Charlotte County?s beaches are one of Florida?s Best; close, yet quiet and abundant with bird life, dolphins, sea turtles and other wildlife. No crowds here, just plenty of white sand with colorful shells. Don Pedro Island State Recreation Area, which is only accessible by boat, is another location with white beaches stretching for about a mile on the Gulf of Mexico. There are picnic pavilion, tables, grills, outdoor showers and restrooms. Port Charlotte Beach Park is located on Harbor Boulevard in Port Charlotte. There is a swimming pool, boat ramps, fishing pier and extensive recreation and sports facilities. There are so many courses nearby that the fees are very reasonable it is easy to get tee times! You could run into the pros such as Chi Chi Rodriguez, Ken Venturi, Nolan Henke, and Nancy Lopezare and many others enjoying a relaxing quite day on the courses. Charlotte Town Center Shopping Mall is a beautiful mall with national and local stores and restaurants. So many restaurants in Port Charlotte! Points Of Interest & getting to know the area! CLICK ON EACH LINK BELOW ! Charlotte County Beaches Port Charlotte Information Local Attractions Fishermans Village Exploring Punta Gorda SUPERB AREA close to beach activities, salt water fishing as well as ?TOO? many GOLF courses ! Here is your opportunity to acquire a great property at up to a 50% lower price than you will see on the realtor?s MLS? don?t procrastinate! CHARLOTTE HARBOR & THE GULF ISLANDS CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDA Click here for a printable version of Charlotte County information. Location: Nestled along Florida?s Southwest Gulf Coast, between Sarasota and Naples, about 100 miles south of Tampa. Geography: Charlotte County provides some of the most beautiful natural settings Florida has to offer, with numerous upland and aquatic preserve areas to explore. Charlotte Harbor includes one of the world?s largest protected marine estuaries encompassing 270 square miles with 219 miles of natural shoreline. Charlotte Harbor/Gasparilla Sound Aquatic Preserve comprises nearly 80,000 acres of some of the most pristine and productive coastal areas in the state and a unique network of barrier islands and mangrove forests. Regions: Vacation destinations include the barrier island community of Boca Grande; the historic city of Punta Gorda; Englewood; Port Charlotte; Little Gasparilla Island; Don Pedro Island; Manasota Key; Cape Haze; the picturesque fishing and arts village of Placida; and Palm Island, with its serene beaches accessible by ferry. Climate: At 5 to 25 feet above sea level, Charlotte County enjoys a climate characterized as sub-tropic where extremes of temperature in both summer and winter are checked by the tempering influence of the Gulf of Mexico. Prevailing winds are an easterly average of 12-18 mph. Seasons: Winter: January-March. At certain peaks, winter residents increase the population by 30%. April-December is considered low season. During this time, Floridians increase their visits to the area. Lodging: A wide range of accommodations is available, designed to suit all price and style requirements. Options include hotels, motels, B&B?s, resort properties, RV recreation areas, and condo and home rentals. History: In 1513 Ponce de Leon set out to explore the east and west coasts of Florida. During this exploration, he returned to the Charlotte Harbor area to establish a colony. During the colonization period, the Calusa Indians attacked Ponce de Leon?s settlement. Ponce de Leon was wounded in the thigh by an arrow, resulting in a bout with gangrene that would eventually claim his life in Havana. Several years later, the American mainland was opened for European settlement by the Hernando DeSoto expedition of 1539-42. According to various historical documents, Pedro Menendez D?Aviles built a mission-fort named San Antonio somewhere in the Charlotte Harbor region following his establishment of the first American colony at St. Augustine, Florida, in 1565. After two intense years of struggle between the Spaniards and the Calusa, Menendez abandoned his project and attempted to restrain the unpredictable Indians of southern Florida. Restaurants: Fresh seafood is abundant and the area boasts a wide selection of ethnic foods including French, Italian, Japanese, Thai, and Mexican. All-American cuisine is also in plentiful supply. Beaches: Over twelve miles of sandy Gulf beaches share the coastline with the mangrove forests of Charlotte Harbor. Golf: Choose from over sixteen magnificent courses throughout Charlotte County. Courses range from executive to championship level, each with scenic vistas and spectacular landscapes. Attractions: Charlotte County features over 70 parks and recreational areas. Take a unique wildlife buggy tour through the silent beauty of an untouched cypress swamp. Set sail on a small boat cruise. Camp out under the stars. Snorkel right off your canoe in the Peace River. Ride a bicycle alongside real Bison at Babcock?s Wilderness Adventure, or come face-to-face with a gopher tortoise on an exhilarating hike through Cedar Point. Shopping: From waterfront boutiques and malls, to antique fairs and flea markets, there are shopping opportunities for everyone. Historic Fishermen?s Village is a waterfront shopping and dining complex that is an attraction in itself. Cultural: Local art agencies serve the community by promoting visual arts, theater, dance, music, arts & humanities, and the Charlotte Symphony Orchestra. Airports: The area boasts four airports strategically located in well-populated areas for travel convenience: The Charlotte County Airport, Sarasota-Bradenton International Airport (SRQ), Southwest Florida International Airport, Ft. Myers, (RSW), and Tampa International Airport (TIA). Major Access: The Seminole Gulf Railroad has excursion passenger and freight service; Major bus line has a station in Port Charlotte; the Charlotte County Airport has a 6,500 foot lighted runway plus two 5,000 foot runways; and AMTRAK includes bus service to and from Port Charlotte-Tampa train station. Roads: INTERSTATE-75 through Charlotte County has 22-miles running north/south with five exits (#27 to #31). U.S. 17 ends in Punta Gorda and U.S. 41, the Tamiami Trail, is the main highway running north/south. Transportation: A variety of services including: auto rentals, taxi & limo service, bus and bicycle rentals. Mileage from Florida Cities: Daytona: 183 miles Jacksonville: 238 miles Miami: 214 miles Orlando: 129 miles Tampa: 100 miles Charlotte Harbor & The Gulf Islands is located halfway between Sarasota and Naples on the Southwest Florida Gulf coast. Southwest Florida International Airport, 30 minutes to the south in Ft. Myers, provides convenient flight service. For more information on how you can enjoy Florida?s Best-Kept Secrets throughout Charlotte Harbor & The Gulf Islands, visit the Charlotte County Visitor?s Bureau Web site or call 1-888-4PUR-FLA. ANY QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS FEEL FREE TO EMAIL OR CALL US AT: NOTE: THESE PARCELS WILL REMAIN AVAILABLE UNTIL WHICH TIME THE HIGH BIDDER?S CONTRACT & DEPOSIT HAS BEEN RECEIVED! CLICK BELOW TO LINK TO CHARLOTTE COUNTY INTRODUCTION VIDEO FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT US AND OUR OTHER listing LOT LISTINGS CONTACT US BY CLICKING THE EMAIL LINK BELOW: SALESKESSELHOLDINGS.COM General Parcel Information for 402106427013 Parcel ID: 402106427013 Property Address: 379 CORY ST Old Parcel ID Number: 00516940000004 Property Zip Code: 33953 Business Name: Section-Township-Range: 06-40-21 Map Number: 3A06S Zoning Code: RSF3.5 Current Use: VACANT RESIDENTIAL Roads: PAVED Future Land Use (Comp. Plan): LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL Taxing District: 104 Utilities: WATER Market Area / Neighborhood: 01 /05 Waterfront: NO SOH Base Year: FEMA Flood Zone (Effective 5/5/2003) Firm Panel Floodway SFHA Flood Zone FIPS COBRA Community Base Flood Elevation (ft.) 0040F IN 8AE 12015C COBRA_OUT 120061 8 *If parcel has more than 1 flood zone refer to the flood maps available on the GIS web site by clicking on View Map below. Click here for definitions. For more information, please contact Building Construction Services at . Legal Description Short Legal Legal Description PCH 047 2530 0012 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC47 BLK2530 LT12 246/50 427/783 467/515 937/1093 2313/1566 3538/801 3675/1403 Data Last Updated: 7/21/2012- Printed On: Saturday, July 21, 2012. THERE ARE CURRENTLY SEVERAL LOTS LISTED ON THE REALTOR?S MLS SYSTEM IN THIS AREA ON ADJACENT STREETS. COMPARE
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