Good day, everyone. Pixxel Papa here, and I bring to you tidings of great joy!
So, everybody and their mother has a social media account nowadays, am I right? Retro Game Network is no exception to the rule, and to celebrate the growth that the site has had so far in it?s one and a half months of existence, we would like to sincerely thank our readers by offering you the chance to not only win some awesome stuff, but to also impact the course of RGN history! How can one be a part of this? It?s quite simple really?
Honestly, who doesn?t love free stuff? Here is a rundown of what the winner will receive from us!
A handmade, 11?x14? bead sprite artwork on painted canvas piece created by yours truly, Pixxel Papa. I think most of you know who this guy is?
17?x11? Mega Man themed artwork prints by RGN?s own Tron Bonne, featuring none other than Tron Bonne herself, and Mega Man?s beloved sister, Roll.
You will also win a copy of the game Vandal Hearts for Playstation 1, and the chance to impact the outcome of the first episode of a new video series that will be debuting on Retro Game Network in the near future!!
Does that sound good? I sure hope so! Would you like to be the proud owner of this plethora of goodies? If so, here?s how you do it!
How to Enter:
In the top right corner of the site, we have links to our Facebook and Twitter. Simply follow us on Twitter and/or ?Like? us on Facebook, and tell us why you love retro games.
If you have accounts for both, great! By following us on both platforms and leaving a comment on our Facebook and tweeting to us @Retrogamenet, you will be giving yourself two entries for the contest. Although we always encourage discussion, only one comment per user will be counted toward the contest.
The contest will officially end on July 3rd at 11:59pm EST. Any posts made in regards to the contest after that time will not be counted. Once the contest is over, we will choose one entry, completely at random, to be the winner.
Make sure you are following us/have ?Liked? us, as we will then contact the winner though either Facebook or Twitter.
Good luck! I can?t wait to read about how much all of you awesome folks out there love retro games!