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The ability to form closed systems of blood vessels is one of the hallmarks of vertebrate development. Without it, humans would be closer to invertebrates (think mollusks) in design, where blood simply washes through an open system to nourish internal organs. But vertebrates evolved closed circulation systems designed to more effectively carry blood to organs and tissues.
Precisely how that happened has remained a clouded issue. But now, a team of scientists from the California and Florida campuses of The Scripps Research Institute have shed light on the topic in a study published February 21, 2012, in the journal Nature Communications.
The process of building a closed circulation system is complicated biologically and, from an evolutionary perspective, time-consuming?involving billions of years. During this lengthy process, new domains (parts of a protein that can evolve and function independently of each other) have been added progressively to key molecules.
The scientists focused on one specific domain known as UNE-S. UNE-S is part of SerRS, a type of tRNA synthetase in species with closed circulatory systems; tRNA synthesases are enzymes that help charge tRNA with the right amino acid to correctly translate genetic information from DNA to proteins.
The scientists found that UNE-S is essential for proper development of an embryo, containing a specific sequence or "nuclear localization signal" that directs SerRS to the cell nucleus. There, it affects the expression of a key regulator of new blood vessel growth.
"I think a lot happened during this evolutionary transition to a closed system and the appearance of this domain on this specific synthetase is one of them," said Xiang-Lei Yang, a Scripps Research associate professor who led the collaborative study. "Because this synthetase plays such an essential role in vascular development, it must have had a role in the transition to a closed system."
To help elucidate the role of UNE-S, the researchers turned to zebrafish as a model organism. Shuji Kishi, an assistant professor on the Scripps Florida campus who worked on the new study, noted that zebrafish have emerged over the past decade as a powerful system to study both aging and development. "Zebrafish offer a number of advantages for study because embryonic development is external to the mother and the embryos are transparent, making them an ideal model for developmental biology," he said.
To find clues to SerRS function, the team examined SerRS mutants, which are linked to abnormal blood vessel formation and defective blood circulation. In their experiments, the scientists used a variety of techniques, including crystal structure, biochemical analysis, and cell biology experiments.
Interestingly, the findings show that SerRS mutants often delete the nuclear signal or keep it hidden in an alternative conformation?like locking someone in a closet under an assumed name?rendering it ineffective. "We were astonished by what we found," said Yang. "Sequestering is a very interesting property."
The scientists were able to design a second mutation to release the sequestered nuclear signal and to restored normal blood vessel development.
In addition to suggesting that acquisition of UNE-S has a role in the establishment of the closed circulatory systems of vertebrates, these results are the first to show an essential role for a tRNA synthetase-associated appended domain for an organism.
Scripps Research Institute:
Thanks to Scripps Research Institute for this article.
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If you are to receive a large sum of money from a company, you might have been offered a structured settlement. If so, there is nothing to worry about. In fact, unless you have precise plans for the use of such a large sum (such as buying a house), a structured settlement would actually work very well for all the parties involved in the settlement. Here?s how:
To start with, a structured settlement does not in any way reduce the amount of money you are to receive. The difference between outright payment of the entire lump sum and a structured settlement is that, in the latter case, the amount is divided into small but significant sums of money and is paid at regular intervals. The structured settlement payment might either be done by the company itself or, the company might invest the settlement amount in an Annuity plan with some financial structured settlement companies (such as an insurance or bank), which in turn will pay out the amounts.
The introduction of such third parties into the selling structured settlement isn?t anything to worry about in fact it ensures that the structured settlement is handled more professionally. The paying company often might not have the expertise in drafting a structured settlement document and then administering it. The introduction of third parties (known as ?Assignment Company?), therefore brings in an element of standardized professionalism to the deal. These Assigning companies are usually either banks or non-banking financial institutions such as Insurance companies. The Assignment Company will usually invest the money in long term government bonds or other forms of secured, long-term structured settlement investment and pay out the principle amount along with the interest in regular fixed amounts. The quantum and periodicity of such payments would naturally be dependent on the terms of the structured settlement.
Receiving regular fixed amounts enables you to plan ahead. You can plan your own or your child?s education. Or use the payouts to fund an existing mortgage on your house, etc. The cash structured settlement is always legally enforceable. So once the structured settlement documents are signed, they cannot be altered and will remain in force the entire duration of the structured settlement term. In case the structured settlement payment is stopped for any reason and so long as you have kept your side of the bargain, you are free to initiate legal action against the Assignment Company as well as the paying company, i.e. the second party in the settlement.
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A structured settlement should therefore be viewed more as a sound financial investment that not only secures you the long-term benefit of regular income but in a pinch, it can be mortgage or sold for cash.
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Read more: Why we have moral rules but don't follow them
SCIENCE has made great strides in explaining morality. No longer is it seen as something handed down from on high; instead it is an evolved system of enlightened self-interest. Altruism, for example, can benefit your genes and disgust can protect you from disease. This picture is progress, but it can also lead to a kind of fatalism, a belief that our moral values evolved for good reason and so we should stick with them.
Yet some value judgements are difficult to fit into this framework. Why is it acceptable to take certain drugs but a criminal offence to take others? Why is it wrong to create human embryos to cure diseases endured by millions?
Now an experiment suggests that morality isn't entirely about evolutionary benefits to individuals (see "Why we have moral rules but don't follow them"). We also have an evolved tendency to make and obey arbitrary moral rules, probably as a way of promoting social cohesion.
That picture opens the door to more progress. Yes, we follow rules that bring little benefit and can even be positively harmful. But the rules are not set in stone, so there is nothing to stop us getting rid of those that don't work and putting better ones in their place.
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Reuters - Angela Merkel's hand-picked choice for the ceremonial post of president resigned on Friday in a scandal over political favors, dealing a blow to the German chancellor in the midst of the euro zone debt crisis.
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Legislative lawyers are looking to make last-minute technical corrections to the payroll tax compromise, with hopes to bring the measure to a vote this week.
A compromise on employee contributions to federal pension programs is the issue that?s currently stumping aides combing through the bill. After that?s done, leaders in both chambers expect to bring the measure up for a vote as soon as Friday.
Continue Reading?First we?ve gotta get the bill filed, there?s a technical issue, a drafting issue that trying to be resolved, but we?re working with members on both sides of the aisle to talk about how best to move forward,? Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) said Thursday morning in the Capitol.
It?s not surprising that the legislation needs a final look. Senate Finance Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.) and House Ways and Means Chairman Dave Camp (R-Mich.) agreed on the final contours of the agreement early Thursday morning after a marathon day of negotiations.
The compromise, which Camp and Baucus say will garner the majority of members on the bi-partisan negotiating committee, will extend the payroll tax holiday until the end of 2012, without offsetting budget cuts. The pact will also extend unemployment benefits and forestall a rate cut to Medicare doctors until the end of the year.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said she wants the legislation brought up as soon as possible, signaling she would not make hay of Republicans breaking their pledge to give the public three days notice before voting on legislation.
The pension agreement was a concession to Sen. Ben Cardin (D-Md.), Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) and Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.). They opposed a provision that increased pension copays for federal workers. The conferees decided that only newly-hired employees would have to pay more.
That appears to be enough. In a sign that the deal is nearing completion, Cardin and Van Hollen announced that they oppose the provision but would not jam up the process.
?We want this process to move forward,? Cardin and Van Hollen said in a statement. ?We will not let others find excuses to extend the gridlock.?
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TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras ? A fire started by an inmate tore through an overcrowded prison in Honduras, burning and suffocating screaming men in their locked cells as rescuers desperately searched for keys. As many as 300 people were killed in the world's deadliest prison fire in eight decades.
The local governor, who was once a prison employee, told reporters Wednesday that an inmate called her moments before the blaze broke out and screamed: "I will set this place on fire and we are all going to die!"
Comayagua Gov. Paola Castro said she called the Red Cross and fire brigade immediately. But firefighters said they were kept outside for half an hour by guards who fired their guns in the air, thinking they had a riot or a breakout on their hands.
Officials have long had little control over conditions inside many Honduran prisons, where inmates have largely unfettered access to cell phones and other contraband.
Survivors told investigators the unidentified inmate yelled "We will all die here!" as he lit fire to his bedding late Tuesday night in the prison in the central town of Comayagua, north of the capital of Tegucigalpa. The lockup housed people convicted of serious crimes such as homicide and armed robbery.
The blaze spread within minutes, killing about 100 inmates in their cells as firefighters struggled to find officials who had keys, Comayagua fire department spokesman Josue Garcia said.
"We couldn't get them out because we didn't have the keys and couldn't find the guards who had them," Garcia said.
Other prisoners were set free by guards but died from the flames or smoke as they tried to flee into the fields surrounding the facility, where prisoners grew corn and beans on a state-run farm.
Rescuers carried shirtless, semiconscious prisoners from the prison by their arms and legs. One hauled a victim away by piggyback.
Comayagua, which houses members of the nation's largest gangs, was built in the 1940s for 400 inmates, but its population had more than doubled to 852, with only 100 guards to maintain order. Unlike U.S. prisons, where locks can be released automatically in an emergency, Honduran prisons are infamous for being old, overcrowded hotbeds of conflict and crime.
Survivor Ever Lopez, 24, who was serving time for homicide, said he was sleeping when the fire broke out about 11 p.m.
"I saw the smoke from cell block 6 and it spread throughout the prison," he said. "The other prisoners and I broke through the roof with our bare hands and fled. Thank God I'm alive."
Officials said 272 people were confirmed dead, but many prisoners were unaccounted for and the death toll could go to 300 or more. Among the dead were six prisoners who drowned after trying to seek refuge in a water tank. There were 852 people in the prison at the time of the blaze.
A prisoner identified as Silverio Aguilar told HRN Radio that he first knew something was wrong when he heard a scream of "Fire! Fire!"
"For a while, nobody listened. But after a few minutes, which seemed like an eternity, a guard appeared with keys and let us out," he said.
He said there were 60 prisoners packed into his cell.
National prison system director Danilo Orellana defended the guards' decision to keep firefighters out as flames lit up the night sky.
"The guards first thought they had a prison break, so they followed the law saying no one could enter to prevent unnecessary deaths," he said.
Honduran President Porfirio Lobo said on national television that he had suspended the country's top penal officials, including Orellana, and would request international assistance in carrying out a thorough investigation.
"This is a day of profound sadness," Lobo said.
Outraged relatives of dead inmates tried to storm the gates of the prison Wednesday morning to recover the remains of their loves ones, witnesses told The Associated Press. The crowds were driven back by police officers firing tear gas.
Channel 5 television showed dozens of inmates' relatives hurling rocks at officers.
"We want to see the body," shouted Juan Martinez, whose son was reported dead. "We'll be here until we get to do that."
Orellana said the convicts were allowed to work outdoors, unlike those held in a maximum-security facility for the country's most dangerous prisoners in the capital, Tegucigalpa.
Located in the middle of irrigated fields and several large ponds, the prison was comprised of eight buildings set close together, with an open, dirt prison yard within a central compound. A single dirt road led into the facility, which has a soccer field on the property.
Honduras has one of the world's highest rates of violent crime, and its overcrowded and dilapidated prisons have been hit by a string of deadly riots and fires in recent years. Officials have repeatedly pledged to improve conditions, only to say they don't have sufficient funds.
Tuesday's blaze was the world's deadliest prison fire since 1930, when 322 prisoners were killed in Ohio.
The U.S. State Department has criticized Honduras for "harsh prison conditions" and violence against detainees.
A 2004 fire at a state prison north of the Honduran capital killed more than 100 incarcerated gang members. A fire a year earlier at a nearby facility killed 70 gang members. And in 1994, a fire sparked by an overheated refrigerator motor in an overcrowded Honduras prison killed 103 people.
Honduran authorities have repeatedly pledged to improve conditions, but human rights groups say little has been done in the country of 7.6 million people, a major transit route for drugs headed from South America to the United States.
"This is a problem that's existed for a long time and the solutions haven't been applied. But now we have to do something even though we don't have the money," Security Minister Pompeyo Bonilla told reporters.
The U.S. sent help from a base at Soto Cano Air Base, about 15 minutes from the prison.
U.S. Military Staff Sgt. Bryan Franks said smoke was no longer visible above the city, and that his team included four vehicles made up of a 10-man medical team, security guards and firefighters.
Hundreds of relatives rushed to Santa Teresa Hospital in Comayagua state to learn the fate of their loved ones, fire chief Leonel Silva said.
Lucy Marder, chief of forensic medicine for the prosecutor's office, said she believed the death toll would rise and it would take at least three months to identify victims, some burned beyond recognition, because DNA tests will be required.
Honduras has 24 prisons, 23 for men or both genders, and one exclusively for women. In December, the total prison population was 11,846 of which 411 were women.
Associated Press writers Martha Mendoza, Michael Weissenstein and Alberto Arce in Mexico City contributed to this report.
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Conservatives who would like to bash Obama on the economy are having an awfully hard time right now, as the recovery proceeds apace.
As others have noted, conservatives who?d like to bash the President on the economy are having an awfully hard time right now, as the recovery proceeds apace.? Too slowly apace, for sure, but no objective observer can miss that the trend is our friend and that even the job market, while still far too weak and with conspicuous downsides (intractable long-term unemployment), is improving.
Skip to next paragraph Jared Bernstein?
Before joining the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities as a senior fellow, Jared was chief economist to Vice President Joseph Biden and executive director of the White House Task Force on the Middle Class. He is a contributor to MSNBC and CNBC and has written numerous books, including 'Crunch: Why Do I Feel So Squeezed?'
So, they?re stuck with ?yeah, things are getting better, but if we were in charge, they?d be even better!?
This, of course, is the flipside of a rap with which I?m intimately familiar: ?sure, things are bad?but without our actions, they?d be even worse!?
Neither are convincing to most people, because most people don?t engage in the economist?s counterfactual: the path the economy would have taken absent your interventions.? It?s the ?compared-to-what? in the above statements.
Thing is, I know and believe, within confidence intervals, my counterfactual.? It comes from tried and true modeling based on the historical relationships of how advanced economies respond to stimulus.
Or, if you don?t like that sort of thing, you can derive a counterfactual from simply projecting the course the economy was on before you did your policy thing, and compare that to the actual path of growth and jobs (you can see that approach here?see discussion around Table 3).? [Note: the fresh-water economists, who continue to willfully ignore critical lessons of our past, deeply disdain the Keynesian multiplier models?but I haven?t heard their objections to this other, much less theoretical approach, as in Table 3 in the above doc.]
What I don?t get is their counterfactual.? Other than unconvincingly waving hands, muttering how things should be better, how the EPA and OSHA rules are killing businesses, yada, yada?let?s see some analysis.
Gov Romney?s got real economists on his team.? If he wants to make the case that things would be better if we followed his plan?which actually looks pretty Hoover?esque to me?explicitly anti-stimulus re jobs and liquidate the housing market?let?s see the model.?? True, most people won?t believe it anyway, but those of us familiar with counterfactual analysis would like to see if there?s anything there, or if this is just disgruntled smoke-blowing.
I?m not saying we?when I was with the admin?or the Federal Reserve got everything right by a long shot. ?But what I don?t see is anything approaching a coherent argument about how things would be better otherwise.
The Christian Science Monitor has assembled a diverse group of the best economy-related bloggers out there. Our guest bloggers are not employed or directed by the Monitor and the views expressed are the bloggers' own, as is responsibility for the content of their blogs. To contact us about a blogger, click here. To add or view a comment on a guest blog, please go to the blogger's own site by clicking on
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NEW YORK ? Red is Christie Brinkley's color.
The veteran supermodel returned to the runway Wednesday night for the Red Dress Collection fashion show, an annual New York Fashion Week kickoff event that aims to draw attention to women's heart health by putting celebrity catwalkers in a parade of gowns by some of the country's most famous designers.
Strutting to "Uptown Girl," she was all smiles in her Pamella Roland gown ? even after a little stumble on the dress's hem.
Brinkley is a supporter of the Heart Truth campaign, headed by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, and has participated in this event before. This year, though, she hesitated before deciding to don a dress again. Her own mother is suffering from serious heart disease, having experienced five strokes and a heart attack, and right now Brinkley says she feels like she should be spending quality time with her parents.
But they're the ones who actually nudged her to do it, she said in a teary telephone interview Tuesday. "My parents understand more than anyone about the importance of getting the right care. They're proud of me that I've reached a place where I can give back."
Something else she's learned from them is to maintain a healthy lifestyle with daily exercise and a careful diet. That wasn't always easy when she was a young model, jet-setting from place to place and trying every fad diet that came along, said Brinkley, now 58, but she's learned the best way to have the good life is to live it. "I make time for this. I used to always put myself on the back burner, but I want to be strong and able for my kids, myself and my parents."
She said she also finds strength and camaraderie within the modeling world, and she hopes the first-time "models" at the Red Dress show will feel that way, too. "I've always felt the catfight thing is a cliche, but especially when we're all together and subject is the heart, we're all united."
Jennifer Nettles of the country band Sugarland said after the show that she enjoyed the experience but stuck to her strategy of not looking at the monitor while she was walking in her V-neck David Meister gown with a high slit. "I was afraid of falling," she said.
"It's my first time modeling ? at New York Fashion Week! Why not start big?" she said.
Minka Kelly looked like a seasoned pro in a sequin-covered wrap dress by Diane von Furstenberg and Gloria Estefan in Narciso Rodriguez.
It's a parade of great dresses, and red looks good on so many people, said Marchesa co-founder Georgina Chapman. Marchesa once again lent a dress for the event, worn by model and actress Rebecca Romijn.
"I love the color red. It's such a passionate color and it's a fabulous color when you want to make a splash," Chapman said. If she were on the catwalk, she said she'd probably wear it with black heels or neutral makeup. "There's no matchy-matchy with red," she advised. "I especially love to wear black with a hint of red."
Jenna Elfman, making her Red Dress debut, wore a strapless Alberta Ferretti. "I love fashion, I love performance, I love charity," she said in an interview before the show.
She said she has wondered what models think about while they're strutting in front of hundreds of people, but her mantra was going to be "take big steps."
"Thank God I'm tall," Elfman said. "I will get to the end much faster."
Brinkley's advice to the newbies was simple: "You can't take a bad step when you're on that runway. You're there supporting this worthwhile, meaningful cause. And if you slip and fall, you'll make the news and spread the word even more."
Samantha Critchell tweets fashion at
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Jessica Simpson is ready for two things: her first child with her beau Eric Johnson and spring fashion!
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There's no doubt the most popular man at UFC 143 was Roy Nelson. For that reason, he's going to stick around. After his loss against Fabricio Werdum, he's now 3-3 with the UFC.
When asked about Nelson's future, Dana White isn't ready to give up on "Big Country," he still wonders if the fighter is cheating himself by not being in tip top condition.
"He's tough man, he's so tough. One of the toughest guys I've ever seen ... ever. The guy brings it. He comes to fight," said White.
Nelson shed some of excess weight and fought Werdum at 246 pounds, but it sounds like White would like to see drop even more.
"I've been telling Roy forever, if Roy took himself serious ... the schtick was funny for a while, but going in at 265 with a frame that doesn't carry 265 makes no sense when you're a professional fighter or a professional athlete of any kind," White said. He got his weight down [but] you wonder what he could do if he really, really trained and got into it."
Nelson lost a unanimous decision to Werdum, but had his moments early in the fight. When it came time to press on the gas pedal, Nelson didn't have the energy.
"If he was in good enough shape to keep that kind of pace he would win more fights," said White.
When asked about Nelson's punching power disappearing if he drop down into the 230's, White didn't think it would take away too much.
"You either have [punching power] or you don't. You got these guys that have knockout power, then guys that don't."
Nelson clearly put in good work to drop from 265 to 246, let's hope he can shed a little more, be able to go three hard rounds and take out heavyweights who legitimately in the top 10.
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Ishara S.Kodikara / AFP - Getty Images
Newly appointed Maldives President Mohamed Waheed Hassan denied being part of any plan to remove President Mohamed Nasheed. "Do I look like someone who will bring about a coup d'etat?" he asked journalists on Wednesday.
By Reuters
MALE -- The ex-president of the Maldives said on Wednesday that he was forced to resign at gunpoint, despite earlier claims by the Indian Ocean resort islands' new leader that there had been no coup.
"Yes, I was forced to resign at gunpoint," Mohamed Nasheed told reporters after his party meeting a day after his resignation. "There were guns all around me and they told me they wouldn't hesitate to use them if I didn't resign.
"I call on the chief justice to look into the matter of who was behind this coup. We will try our best to bring back the lawful government," said Nasheed, a former pro-democracy political prisoner who campaigned successfully for democratic reforms and was elected to office in 2008.
Just 24 hours after police joined opposition protesters in attacking the military headquarters and seizing the state TV station, the streets of the capital island, Male, were calm as people went to work and children to school.
Trouble in paradise: Maldives president quits after cops mutiny
Former Vice-President Waheed, at his first news conference as president, said he was holding discussions with all Maldivian parties and expected to have nominations for his cabinet ready in a few days.
He denied being part of any plan to remove President Mohamed Nasheed, whose party described his ouster as a coup.
"Do I look like someone who will bring about a coup d'etat?" Waheed asked. "There was no plan. I was not prepared at all."
The political tumult, like most of everyday Maldivian life, was far from the tourists who stream to the chain of desert islands, seeking sun-and-sand paradise at luxury resorts that can command $1,000 a night.? Tourism is estimated to account for two-thirds of the Maldives' gross domestic product of about $1 billion.
Sinan Hussain / AP
A Maldives police officer, in blue, charges soldiers during a clash in Male, Maldives, Tuesday.
Nasheed resigned and was later freed from military custody. Waheed was sworn in by the speaker of the People's Majlis, or parliament.
U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said in a statement he hoped the "handover of power, which has been announced as a constitutional step to avoid further violence and instability, will lead to the peaceful resolution of the political crisis that has polarized the country."
Nasheed's order to the military to arrest a judge, whom he accused of blocking multimillion dollar corruption cases against members of former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom's government, set off three weeks of opposition protests that peaked with Tuesday's police revolt.
'Forced to resign'
In the end, elements of the same military marched him into his own office to order his own resignation, a close aide told Reuters in the first witness account of Nasheed's exit.
"The gates of the president's office swung open and in came these unmarked vehicles we've never seen before and Nasheed came out with around 50 soldiers around him, and senior military men we'd never seen before," said Paul Roberts, Nasheed's communications adviser.
Photos: Soldiers clash with police as Nasheed resigns
Nasheed was brought to his office, met his cabinet, and then went on television to announce his resignation, Roberts said from an undisclosed location.
"He was forced to resign by the military," said Roberts, a 32-year old British citizen. "He could have gone down shooting, but he didn't want blood on his hands. The security forces moved against him."
Amnesty International urged the new government to avoid persecuting people based on political affiliation, amid opposition calls for Nasheed's prosecution and rumors his senior allies would not be allowed to leave the islands.
Although there were some advisories, including from Britain, against travel to Male, most of the Maldives' nearly 1 million annual visitors never reach the capital.
Instead, they are taken straight from the airport island by speedboat or seaplane to their resorts. Flights on Wednesday were arriving as usual.
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Satellite tracking of threatened loggerhead sea turtles has revealed two previously unknown feeding 'hotspots' in the Gulf of Mexico that are providing important habitat for at least three separate populations of the turtles, according to a study published recently in the journal Biological Conservation.
The two sites, located in the open waters off the coast of Southwest Florida and the northern tip of the Yucatan Peninsula, were found by a team of scientists when they compiled and analyzed loggerhead tracking data.
The researchers' goal was to synthesize tracking data from three genetically distinct loggerhead populations to learn more about how they use the Gulf of Mexico. By identifying the specific location of regularly used habitat, the results provide invaluable information for marine planning and management for this species, whose populations in the Gulf of Mexico are well below historic levels and in recent years have continued to decline drastically in some areas.
The maritime feeding grounds also hold the first clues about how loggerhead sea turtles spend time at sea ? which is, in essence, most of their lives.
"Up until now, management actions that affect loggerheads have often focused on their limited time at nesting beaches, or on fisheries regulations," said Kristen Hart, Ph.D., the U.S. Geological Survey research ecologist who led the synthesis. "Our findings open up important new options for marine habitat conservation, and provide valuable geographic data that can be used to strategically locate marine reserves based on the best available science, as called for in the new National Ocean Policy."
"The use of satellite tags for tracking marine animals has opened our eyes to the secret lives of some of nature's most elusive creatures," said USGS director Marcia McNutt, "At first a scientific tool to understand the life cycle of animals, such as white sharks and leatherback turtles, who rarely come into contact with humans, these tags may now be the main hope for understanding what we can do, or what we should stop doing, in order to bring them back from the road to extinction."
Researchers intercepted female loggerheads after their nesting forays to beaches and outfitted them with satellite tags at study sites in the Florida Panhandle, Casey Key in southwest Florida, and Dry Tortugas National Park. They then tracked the females' migrations and used a new method to determine precisely when they had arrived at "hotspot" foraging areas, in two geographically different locations.
Seven female turtles migrated to foraging sites off Southwest Florida, while the other three took up residence at foraging sites at the Yucatan site. Once the researchers applied the new method for synthesizing their satellite-tracking data, it became clear that these loggerhead turtles from all three populations consistently converged around two common sites. This confirmed a hunch that the researchers had developed after years of tracking turtles.
At both of the feeding hotspots, turtles selected individual sites where they foraged in shallow or nearshore waters less than fifty meters deep. Turtles appeared to prefer their own distinct territories, where they tended to remain resident. This suggests that it may be possible to accurately predict where sea turtles will feed, information that will prove vital for managers looking to focus conservation efforts on prime foraging habitat.
Researchers don't yet know what attracts loggerheads from around the Gulf to these specific feeding areas, although generally, loggerheads forage on the bottom of the sea floor for crustaceans such as crabs, lobsters, clams or conchs.
"The logical next step is to investigate what makes these particular sites 'prime' foraging grounds by mapping and sampling the habitat types found on the sea floor," explained Hart. "It would also be useful to tag loggerheads at these foraging sites to confirm how long they reside in these areas, or alternatively to see where they go next."
United States Geological Survey:
Thanks to United States Geological Survey for this article.
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COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) ? Ohio State?s Luke Fickell is going to the mat with his coaching skills.
The Buckeyes? interim football coach last season will serve as honorary coach for the wrestling team Friday night when Ohio State faces Michigan.
Fickell was an undefeated three-time state wrestling champ in the early 1990s when he was a student at DeSales High School in Columbus.
Ohio State wrestling coach Tom Ryan says in a statement that the wrestlers will be honored to have Fickell joining them on Friday ? and wish he still had eligibility.
Fickell is now defensive coordinator and linebackers coach under new Buckeyes head football coach Urban Meyer.
Tags: Coaching, College football, College sports, Columbus, Football, High school sports, North America, Ohio, Sports, Sports business, Sports transactions, United States, Wrestling
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